Saturday 15 August 2015

HPI Jumpshot

Continuing my current love affair with HPI, one I've had for years actually one of my first real RC cars once I came back to the hobby was my E-Firestorm... However back to the Jumpshot.

I took my brand new jumpshot out for it's first bash in my back garden today and it's a fun truck for sure. Has a great look to it and handles my garden well due to the huge tyres. It did however pop a steering rod after a few mins due to clipping the corner of a step.Not a big issue I guess but it was a gentle brush rather then a bang. That aside though it was a lot of fun bashing around.

I love the vertical plate design to the chassis and it's overall aggressive  design.

Two things to note about the truck... One, the battery is loaded from bellow and was incredibly hot once I'd finished my run and Two, the on off switch is inside the chassis and I can'tget my fingers to it so had to use a screwdriver to turn on and off the car.... apart from that my first impressions are awesome .. great truck, great aggressive design and great performance.

Really looking forward to putting more packs through it.

Saturday 8 August 2015

My it's large....

HPI Wheely King added to the collection ... it's HUGE even at 1:12th it's a massive truck...