Thursday, 2 December 2010

New town new post..

Been a long while since I posted an Update..

I've moved job and moved home. I'm now in a great little town called Littleport near Cambridge. I've found a new RC club and have a couple of new cars :)

The new club are about to build a permanent outdoor off-road track so I'm very excited about that. I've delayed the finishing of my Sand rat project to use the car as a club car and host a Macnum championship. I have 2 Macnum's already and will hopefully have 2 more for when the track opens next year.

I also have one of the outstanding new Maverick XB Evo's and a Maverick Scout the Rock Crawler. Both are very high spec and I'm looking forward to hop-in them up and running them in some competitions next year.

I'll post some pics of the new cars soon.

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