Sunday, 29 December 2024

Usually it's 2 years between posts... This time it's 5... Five years has passed and I've not done any RC as such. It's been all work and no play pretty much, the global state of the games industry of which I'm a lead artist in has been quite unsatable and its caused my perosnal life to change. I've also been helping my wife start her business over the past 2 years so that has take priority as it means we are at craft and trade faires pretty much every weekend. This coming year though I have taken steps to push me to do more RC content as I've invested into quite a bit of studio equipment and filming kit so I hope to get some hobby time in and film it. I have a 2021 Tamiya Saint Dragon to look at and build and a fantastic ARRMA Mojave Grom to review and bash around. Lets see what I can get done in the next few months :) Happy 2025 everyone.