Monday, 5 September 2016

Moved to Dundee!

So..Back in Dundee after 6 years... I still have to un pack the cars and build shelving but I should have some more buggy related posts soon :).

On the horizon is a Tamiya Madcap restoration and and Tamiya Baja Champ project. Plus some bash reports from local spots with maybe the odd race report too now that I'm close to Stonehaven RC race track.

I'm currently really into Stadium struck so there might be further posts about some new trucks :D

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Monday, 27 June 2016

Grasshopper II restoration.

Had fun cleaning and fixing this classic. I've used 1:18th scale buggy shocks and the work perfectly.

Finished (almost_ Beetle.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Monster Build!!

Well..the end of it so far. Still need to do the body.. Full build report soon.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Finished the DT-03T body..

I'm quite happy with it.

Found a new way to protect my inkjet decals that works amazing well.. Halfords basic car lacquer.. it's amazing so far!!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

DT-03 Built!

Took maybe 2 hours... Such a great build, really love this chassis.


Alloy Front C-Hubs
Alloy Rear Knuckes
Alloy Drive Shafts
Alloy 12mm Hex
Alloy adjustable oil shocks
Fully Ballraced

Tamiya Truckfest...

This is what I'll be using later this year (July 3rd) at the Tamiya Truckfest.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Got another ECX!

After having a blast with the little ECX short course truck I decided to up-scale...

I've got the ECX Boost 1:10th Buggy and have to admit I like it. It's the classic 2wd buggy design but they have added some nice little features that make it a really nice basher and club level racer. from the easy to open battery stay to the wide stance suspension design this little buggy offers amazing value at only £129.

The build quality is excellent and it comes with a nice 20t brushed motor and LiPo ready ESC. It looks bullet proof also, very robust components and flex in all the right places.

The Boost also has a large range of Blue anodized alloy upgrade parts but I think I'm going to keep mine stock for now.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Got an ECX... 1:24th Torment Short Course Truck...

It's brilliant! .. has just the right amount of speed for living room bashing around and has great handling. It shares some parts with the Losi also which is excellent as I have lots of spares for that little truck.

This has made a great addition to my collection. I'm very tempted to try and start a club again but focused on these smaller scales.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

DT-03 Racing Details

Nice image of the body just shown up

DT-03 new paint

I've always loved the Dyna Storm... so here is my DT-03 version.I have carbon shock towers to add later.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Holiday Buggy new colours :)

Design and printed at home :)

Might not be 100% waterproof but are splash proof (I hope)

Friday, 8 January 2016

ECX Support.

For many years I've supported Maverick and Tamiya as my go to manufacturers... especially when talking about entry level cars and kits. Top end rigs I will always be a Durango or HPI/Hot Bodies fan and I currently run a DEX210v2 as my top end car...

However just announced today was the kit version of a RTR award winning buggy. The ECX AMP Build to Race buggy.

I really hope that a new 'BtR' trend starts after this news as we are in dire need of new entry level kits in the hobby. One of the best things ever is sharing the build of an RC car with a father or brother or any family member...

To this end I will be personally showing my support for ECX by getting this new kit and using it in any Short Course class race that I'm allowed to race in with it. I will also get a couple more of these new kits for the club I hope to start this year. The ECX buggies are renowned for how bullet proof they are and also have some superb upgrades available that they will make the almost perfect club cars. 

The first kit should arrive soon so expect a build vid soon after.

Crazy Xmas and new year!!

Christmas was mad... not only for visiting and seeing family but for RC cars in my collection...

I got my BSR 222 and it looks and feels amazing,first impressions are very good about this car so I really want to run it a few times over the next year. I also want to run a couple of mavericks this year in at least a few club races as I think my current cars could make the B finals at least :).

Also this year I want to do more vintage events so I'm going to spend some time on my Manta Ray and I've got an amazing TL-01B Baja Champ to use this year... The Manta Ray is ready to go but I want to re fit and hop the Baja Champ a wee bit.

I think 2016 is going to be a great year... I have all the cars I've ever wanted to run including a Monster Beetle and a Lunch Box... and I have a location quite close just to bash around so expect more running vids and bash reports this year.